I have been really meaning to start "journalling" my dailies and it hasn't happened and then it hit me; I can start blogging! Same thing, right? kinda...
Anyway, let me intro myself: I am Kellie Denoncourt. I am 36 years old. I live in NH. I have six children. Four of them are biological and two are special gifts from God. I love all six more than anything! I also have a great husband, Phil. He is very straight forward and grounded and keeps my irrational brain at bay.
I am hoping to be able to get my thoughts and daily nonsense out here on the blog. If no one reads this, great. If someone reads it, great. I just kow that if I do not write these crazy things down, I will never remember them and I want to remember them. I also believe it's therapeutic to get things down on paper..err.... virtual paper?
So anyway, this is the intro. Questions are welcome. No nonsense to really speak of so far today. All six were able to get off to school without consquence! (hooray!) That is an event in itself. It is "Julia Day" today for Brian (14 y/0). This is Brians "gf" who will be hanging out here after school today. He made his bed, even! I hope he doesn't think she will actually see that made bed... time to start laundry and pick up the downstairs!
More Later...
All Parent Blogs in One Place!
8 years ago