Tuesday, April 27, 2010

and so, I blog....

When I thought blogging would be a helpful release for me (about a year ago) I started to post. My first post was read by my dear husband and he said "you canNOT post that kind of stuff on the internet!". That "stuff" was all the clamouring that was going on inside my brain... sensitive, therapy-inducing clamouring. He was probably right. In hindsight, I really wish I had kept a journal of some sort.
With five kids, there is alot of clamouring going on, however, this is April vacation. All but one of the kids are home. Kaleigh is still at college for another week. I usually DREAD school vacations but not so much this one. The kids have been (dare I say it) GOOD!
Kara had her tonsils and adenoids out last week so she is trying to heal. If you have ever had to deal with that, you know the pain roller coaster she is on. Poor little thing....
Sara tried to have a sleepover at her friend's house last night and made it to about 7:30pm. This friend lives three houses away and we all knew it wouldn't be a SLEEPover but she wanted to try so badly! But alas, she missed her momma....
Philip turns 17 tomorrow, and today he is having a few friends over to "hang out". DO NOT CONFUSE THIS WITH A BIRTHDAY PARTY! He is quite adamant about this. He also has a job interview this week! YAY!
Ben was grounded to start vacation but now he is ungrounded. I also think he grew 4" yesterday. This boy is going to be taller than the rest of the kids, no doubt.

Kara, Sara, Pepe and I started the garden this week! 50'x50' garden plot! We are stoked! Bring on the fresh veggies!

OK.... now to get my brain wrapped around Weight Watchers.. again.


p.s. OK.... so I do not blog often enough but I DOOOOOO post on facebook frequently! Check out my Turkey Cupcakes! they are AWESOME!

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Word From Our Sponsor....

So Corey tagged me to do this list in one word. For me, answering something with one word which is not a "no" is almost impossible but I will try my best. Hey, at least it gets me adding a blog post!

Hair – medium
Your Mother – silly
Your Father – distant
Fav Food – soup
Dream Last Night – negative
Fav Drink – water
What room are you in? – dining
Hobby – cakes
Fear – spiders
Where were you last night? – work
Something that you aren’t – thin
Muffins – fattening
Wish List Item – peace
Where you grew up – MA
What you are wearing –pajamas
Your Pet – fish
Friends – family
Something you’re not wearing – socks
Fav Store – Market Basket
Fav Color – red
Last time you laughed – last night
Your Best Friend – hubby
Best Place you go over and over – outside
Person who you email regularly – Kaleigh
Fav Place to Eat – Ichiban

I will have to tag some others...... hmmmmm......

and all of Team Orlando..... Can't tag y'all. Just answer the damn questions......

*kiss kiss*

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Random Scatter Brain.....

WOWZA..... I have not been here in a LONG time! My life got in the way and I am now coming up for air. I guess the best thing to do is blog from today, and work backwards?
Kaleigh got the C.A. job at Southern Vermont College for next year which means FREE housing and DISCOUNTED meal plan!!!!! ROCK ON, KALEIGH! SOOOOOO PROUD OF YOU! :)
She also received an award the other night. The Quest for Success Award which was granted to TWO students for their volunteer work! Kaleigh, I am so proud to be your mom!!!
Philip and Ben are doing very well in school and are happy! HOORAY!! Philip is on the mission to find a job. Good Luck! The market is crap!
Kara is doing well, as always. She is having her tonsils out in two weeks so keep her in your prayers. She is pretty anxious about this, as you can imagine.
Sara is Sara. A princess as always.

More good news: I AM PLANTING A VEGETABLE GARDEN! Kara and Pepe (my father inlaw) have had a veggie garden for a few years and this year, I get my own section of it! I cannot WAIT! Sara said she would help, too! :) I will take pics to share, I promise.

I leave you with this question: Do we really need "Your Baby Can Read"? Why does your baby need to read before anyone else's baby? How does this benefit anyone?


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

New Perspectives....

I have been away from my blog for over a week..... I really wanted to keep up to date but sometimes life is too hard to write about.
Our "foster" son left a week and a half ago. I am not going to go into details but the process is extremely painful.
What I AM going to write about are the amazing people who have my back! It is amazing the support my friends have given. I am truly blessed. Also, several months ago I committed myself to going on an Orlando getaway, sans children or husband with a bunch of "mommy bloggers". Only one of them I knew in real life and I hadn't seen her (or really kept in contact with her!) in 20 years! Nine moms, from all over the country, converging on Orlando, Florida! There goes the neighborhood! This retreat, planned several months ago, was planned for March 4-9, 2010. My foster son moved out on March 1st. Should I go to Florida? My family is hurting. My husband is hurting. I am hurting. This is a HUGE upheaval for all involved. Yes. I should go. Boy am I happy that I did. All of these women have their own issues but we all had common issues and feelings. NOTHING, I mean NOTHING was a taboo subject. We let it all hang out. I have never felt so free... EVER.. Two of the other moms had to end their adoptions. It was so good to say something and have everyone on the room nod because they know EXACTLY what you are feeling and saying! We laughed and laughed until we peed our pants and cried and cried and supported one another and then laughed again. What a gift. Each of these women have been thrown into an unknown and have become stronger people because of it. They also know that you cannot get through this life without a sense of humor, or cussin' a bit!
I am still processing the amazing weekend and waiting for pictures to be posted by the crazy pastor's wife, Laura.

More later....


Monday, February 22, 2010

Trash Basket...err... MARKET Basket sale/coupon list

OK.... So I am a HUGE couponer and I only can ever find lists (matched sales with coupons) for Shaw's and sometimes Hannaford. I hate shopping at Hannaford. I WILL NOT shop there. Shaw's is obscenely overpriced AND they have stopped doubling internet coupons and alot of regular coupons which makes it not worth my time to get some dealios there.
That brings us back to my favorite place to shop; Market Basket (aka Trash Basket, Ghetto Basket, Dirty Demoulas). The prices are so much better than the other grocery stores AND even better than Walmart. (OK... I hate walmart anyway but now, my girl Robin tells me it's not worth it to shop for "some things" there anymore so I trust her.)
I hate to try to match up coupons with sales, which is why I like to borrow other bloggers lists. It's a time saver. Unfortunately, I cannot find anyone who blogs about Market Basket! So, I am going to try to write up a LIST for MB! Bare with me as I do not organize my coupons by date that they showed up in your Sunday Paper (lots of bloggers do this. I do not.). I think I will basically just post what deals I made today and yesterday on my shop.

Q = Coupon

Pillsbury French Bread Loaf (you know, the kind in a can) $1.25 + $1/2 Q= .75 each
Simply Orange $2.00/half gallon
Dannon Yogurt .40 + $1/10 Q = .30 each
Reynold's Recycled Wrap(50 sq. yds) $2.50 + $1/1Q = $1.50
Keebler Rite Bites $2.50 + $1/1Q = $1.50
Ritz Crackers $2.00 + $1/1 Q= $1.00
Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix 2/$1.00
Marcal Facial Cube .99 + FREE Q = FREE!
Marcal 4-pack toilet paper .99 + $2/1 Q = FREE! (depending on your cashier, you may get the entire $2.00 off but mine adjusted it down to .99)
Scotties Facial Cube .69/each + $1/5Q = .49 each
Bumblebee Tuna Lemon Pepper $1.50 + $1/1 Q = .50
5 lbs. Red Potatoes $2.49
No Yolks Egg noodles $1.50 + $1/2 Q= $1.00 each
L o L American Cheese $3.99 + $1/1 Q = 2.99
Perdue Oven Stuffer Roasters .89/lb. (I didn't get any because I still have a few turkeys in the freezer that I NEED to roast up!)
Hebrew NAtional Franks $2.49 (my favorite Fat Free Hotdog!)
Smart Balance Peanut Butter $2.50 + $1/1 Q = $1.50
Scallions 3/$1
Fresh Express Salad 2/$4.00 + $1/2 Q = 2/$3.00
MB Canadian WHite Bread .99
Ragu 2/$3 + $1.25/3 Q = $1.08 each (I usually make my own sauce but this is a good deal to get for the food pantry at church!)

Yes... I am sure I missed something But this was all stuff that was on MY list today and so I got them for decent deals. In case you were unaware, during Lent I am seeing how much stuff I can get for the Food Pantry at my church for $10/week. So far I have $66 worth of items that I paid $14 for. $6 more to go for this week. :)


Sunday, February 21, 2010

wAcKy uhh.... everyday is WaCkY...

OK..... so this is day 22, that is TWENTY TWO, of at least ONE person in this house being home sick! And I just finished my antibiotics yesterday and am feeling a chest cold coming on. SUCK! I will continue my mega vitamin dose intake and try to comabt this suck-ass issue. Kara probably has strep throat. I will be taking her to the doctor in about an hour, on this LOVELY Sunday afternoon. Benjamin had day surgery this past Thursday to have the pin removed from his ankle. He is practically back to normal... hobbling about carrying his electric guitar and playing it at the same time (not plugged in, thank god!).
ALso, WELCOME TO FEBRUARY SCHOOL VACATION WEEK! This is the worst one fo the year. I hate it because we can not afford to fly anywhere during it, and we also cannot afford to bring the crew skiing all at once! It is just so expensive and I am cheap. I may be swayed by a ski coupon or two but I am not sure those actually exist.
I have decided to have ONE thing to look forward to. Ever heard of Coco Key? It's a tropical destination smack dab in the middle of Danvers, MA. It is an indoor water park within the Crown Plaza. For day passes, it is about the same price as staying overnight there and getting two days worth of play SOOOO, we are going. Who else is going? The Broadbent's! Well, some of them. Nothing says fun like hours inside a fish tank with lots of people's germs, tons of chlorine. Seriously... I think the kids will have a blast, which means Robin and I will be okay. They won't be begging us for rides to the Mall, to the movies, to pick up a friend in East Overshoot, an extra $20 for each of those things...well, not for Wednesday and Thursday anyway.
Right now, I am trying to plan dinners for the next few nights, until we go to Danvers.... I am also still reeeling from the fact that I lost my coupon binder which, for those of you who actually KNOW me, is a major catastrophe! Thankfully, I have a few fab friends who have given me several weeks worth of extra coupon inserts! Anyway, I will be hitting the Trash Basket later on, after Kara's appointment.
OK... so I am all over the place with this post.... but in reality, this is my life. I am all over the place, all.the.time. I switch gears ALOT during the day.
ANd Robin, Sara is polishing her brand spanking new WHITE STRAPPY SHOES. I have told her she can't wear them out of the house until Easter but she canot WAIT to show you....

OH.... Old Navy is having a Super Modelquin contest and Kara and Sara have both entered. We could win $100,000! That's alot of white strappy shoes! Harry also entered so check them out! Not sure if it is helpful to have my email address kelliedenoncourt@gmail.com but there ya go. Let's see if I can paste the links here for my girls. I'll try to get Harry's too. :)


ok, not sure why but I cannot seem to attach Kara's entry. grrr.... I'll keep trying....


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

wACkY WeDnEsDaY!

Welcome to Wacky Wednesday! I cannot believe that it is only 9:00am. Yesterday we had a snowday which means all 6 kids were home... Oh.. and it didn't even START to snow until about 2:30p (which is when school lets out!). No matter. Apparently I should be revelling in the fact that there was a snowday where I could spend all day with my lovelies, baking cookies, reading stories, playing games.... Truth be told, I'd rather have this day IN THE SUMMER where we could go to the beach and not be boxed in the house but now we add another day to the school year and take away from our very short summer. Awesome.
Yesterday was also MArdi Gras! We had a pancake supper at church last night and wondered how many would show up(it actually was snowing by then). I would say we had 70-80 people! I was in charge of pancakes so I fired up the griddle and made A LOT of pancakes. according to the packages I used, and I used them all, I probably made 250. As far money wise, to make this many pancakes, with butter and syrup to top, it was only $20, which is a good deal in my book. I didn't even use any coupons on supplies! (I know.. the horror)
I then found out that after the pancake supper, My friend, Jeff, cut the tip of his finger off using his snowblower! And his stepson found the extra "part" and rushed it to the ER! ew. I am thinking that if he is in surgery tomorrow, Judy and I can have coffee in the morning as I will also be at the hospital with my 13 year old having the screw in his ankle removed. He had surgery 1.5 years ago. How did it break? That is another post for another day. Maybe for tomorrow! Typical brotherly "love".
Today... parent/teacher conference... Ash Wednesday Service.... laundry..... grocery store... cleaning.....
Tomorrow.... surgery in the morning for Ben.


Monday, February 15, 2010


This was tonight's dinner discussion. The teenage boys were talking about how they are the better species..... "Look at the sports world! We could totally take you in anything! Look at celebrity chefs! Way more of us there! Your favorite rock bands are ALL GUYS! WE ARE SO MUCH BETTER THAN WOMEN IN EVERYTHING!!" and laughing about it. I know... I should not buy into this type of discussion.... I should pretend they are not even talking BUT, I couldn't help it. I tossed out a couple of examples like how women actually give BIRTH to the species, and behind every great man is a GREATER woman (who puts up with his nonsense!) and how men's brains aren't completely wired right and how they start to deteriorate as they age, etc. To no avail. They believe men do not need women and they are the dominate species, etc, etc, etc. SO, I am here to ask for your help. I have said "wow. Since I am no longer needed here, let's try this..... you are on your own this week for meals and laundry." After this, my 13 year old came to my side (I told him that I had cookies... my reason being that without girls, there are no girl scout cookies! That was good enough for him!). Does anyone else have any suggestions to humble my teenage boys? Other than thumping them on the noggin, that is.....

You could be the proud winner of a $10 gift card to Shaw's PLUS a reusable tote! Now, stack the gift card with your coupons and voila! Saving money at Shaw's has never been so easy! I haven't looked at my Shaw's list this week yet, as I have been away with all the teens ad now two are home sick so I am going to just Lysol the house and open the windows, even if it's only 30* outside.... I just can't stand the sick anymore! But thank GOD I scored so many free tissues, wips and throat drops in the past few weeks! And CHEAP NyQuil! I have digressed....
Back to the money saving maineac.... In addition to the giveaway, there is tons of great money saving tips so check it out! FREQUENTLY!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My first award! Not sure why but it sure made my day! :)
Now, I have to figure out how to "link" and share the love.......
My girl, Corey, gave this to me and I have to share it with 12 people but I don't believe I know 12 people who blog! Guess I have to make some new friends.... :)
Let's see... I will share with my Fru-gals!
and one of my favorite bargain sites, bargain Becky!
I see that the rule is to share this award with 12 others! and link back to me?
I dunno... I am still learning. I guess I need to play around more with this when I am more awake......

Friday, February 12, 2010


Today I leave for SNOWCAMP! I am pretty jazzed about this trip! If you do not know, I am the Youth Minister at St. Paul's Church in Concord, NH. We went as a youth group last year and had a blast! This is at Rumney Bible Conference in NH. Yes... I am a nut to be excited about travelling to be with 250 teenagers but it is alot of fun. :)
The downside, I have been home sick with strep throat all week. SO, I have not prepped as much as I should have. This would include packing up my boys to come with me so this morning will be alot of laundry, packing, cleaning out the van, going to get a check to pay for the weekend, getting supplies at my office, and let's not forget, leaving a debriefing for the husband on what is going on this weekend for the OTHER children and reminding him not to forget to feed them while I am gone. I should specify that he should consider feeding them something other than chips and ice cream for dinner..... but maybe I should also keep my standards low and just be happy of they all stay out of the emergency room while I am gone..... that might be better. Low expectations mean less disappointment? Let's hope so.
I am also very jazzed up about going to Orlando in 20 days! This is a much needed getaway and way out of my comfort zone but I have now has the pleasure of reading up on a couple of the crazy mamas that I am travelling with and I am getting really excited to share some downtime with these ladies!
SO.... I need to stop procrastinating and get my day started. Have a great weekend!


Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I do have alot to blog about every single day.... do I have time to blog? do I make time to blog? No to both. I should. I am not sure why I should. Maybe just so that I can look back and say "oh yeah! that's right!" My girl, Corey, has 6 kids and blogs every day. She also manages to hit the gym on a regular basis as well! She is inspiring me to THINK ABOUT using my YMCA membership..... :) Maybe someday I will jog! I know... getting way ahead of myself.
We are getting off of a 10 day stretch of sick people here. Today, ALL OF THE KIDS actually went to school (sans, Sara who doesn't have preschool today). This is good. However, I myself am not feeling great but I cannot have anymore sick days. Nothing is getting done here lately!
This coming weekend, I will be on a teen retreat in Rumney with 250 other teens (and youth ministers, however we will be majorly outnumbered by teens!). I am sure to have pics and probably video to share next week.
In 23 days I am going to Orlando, FL! This is so far out of my comfort zone I cannot even believe that I am actually going. But, I paid, so now I am going. March 4-8th. It's a Supermom Getaway! The only person that I actually KNOW in real life who is going is my girl, Corey and I haven't seen here in almost 20 years! This will definitely be an adventure. I hope it's warm there by then! Woot!
Today is Tuesday... I work today... in fact I have a meeting in an hour. So I suppose I should actually get dressed for said meeting. Although, I am sure they wouldn't mind me showing up in my PJ's! hmmmmm....
I have been trying alot of new recipes lately. Some are hits, some are misses. I am definitely using up pantry items that would otherwise still be sitting there. I did some decent shopping yesterday at Shaw's. I had coupons but apparently they NOW DO NOT DOUBLE INTERNET COUPONS!!!! Total bummer. They are really driving me away.... Market Basket is alot cheaper on most everything. That's my main shopping store. (although, split chicken breast is .99/lb this week at Shaw's and all the Burt's Bee's stuff is 50% off and I have coupons!). In case you are new, I LOVE ME SOME COUPONS AND GREAT DEALS! Don't talk tell me about a deal unless you are talking over 50% off! Then, I'll consider it. :) Except for SoyJoy bars. Sorry... but you could not PAY me to get those things, however, my girl, Kelly will eat them so this week I can score 6 free ones and I will try to do that for her today. :) I mean seriously... the birds in my yard won't even eat them.....
OK.... enough psychobabble for one day. I need to get read for the rest of the day.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010


prayers for Ronel
tweetmeme_url = 'http://thehowertons.blogspot.com/2010/01/prayers-for-ronel.html';
My heart is heavy tonight for the adoptive parents who are still waiting to get their children home from Haiti, and for the children who wait in the balance. Since we got Kembert out last week, things have changed dramatically. On January 18th, the US government announced it was granting humanitarian parole for orphans already in the process of adoption. This made perfect sense: these children were shown to be eligible for adoption prior to the earthquake. The Haitian and US government go through extensive searches when a child enters the system to show this to be true, including the procurement of death certificates, DNA testing, and birthparent interviews. I was so proud that our country saw the value of evacuating these children into the care of waiting families in the US, not only to remove them from a precarious situation, but also to free up room in orphanages to take care of children who are orphaned or displaced as a result of the earthquake.This all seemed to make sense for a couple days. The US agreed, Haiti agreed, and we saw lots of personal interest news stories of happy families united with their children. That is, until UNICEF stepped in. UNICEF, with their seemingly charitable gestures towards children worldwide, happens to be an organization that is staunchly, and often illogically, anti-adoption. It is also an organization that wields a great amount of power (and money), and when they put the pressure on, Haiti complies. There is a lot to be said about UNICEF's views. There is an essay brewing there - but for now, the short version is that UNICEF would prefer children without parents to be raised in an institution within their culture of origin rather than by a loving family of a different culture. In other words, race/culture trumps family/nurture/security. (It doesn't take a psychologist to see the faulty logic there).Over the last week, the effort to get previously-matched children out of Haiti has slowed considerably. Extra steps have been added, redundant steps, steps that pose no added measure of safety since these children HAVE ALREADY BEEN CLASSIFIED AS ADOPTABLE BY THE HAITIAN GOVERNMENT, and since these parents HAVE ALREADY SUBMITTED AN EXTENSIVE HOMESTUDY/DOSSIER/BACKGROUND CHECK. This is effecting hundreds of waiting children. One such child is Ronel. I want to tell Ronel's story, because I think it is a compelling example of the need for international adoption, and a tragic (hopefully only temporarily tragic) example of how UNICEF's corruption affects orphaned children.Ronel was abandoned at the Rescue Center of Real Hope for Haiti, which is an amazing medical mission that takes in malnourished children and nurses them back to health. I am constantly amazed by the life-saving work these sisters do. When he was brought in, he weight 28 pounds (less than my daughter India). They were unsure of his age, but guessed him to be about 7 or 8 years old. Over a few months at the Rescue Center, his weight nearly doubled. Because his parents had died and no other family came to claim him, they searched for an adoptive family.
(photo from RHFH blog, before treatment)Debra answered that call. I've never met Debra in person, but I feel like we're friends through this crazy blogging world. She is friends (the real-life kind) with Jamie, who posted a photo of Ronel on her blog. Debra saw the picture and knew. THIS WAS HER SON. She and her husband Ernest started the process to adopt Ronel. This was well over a year ago. Like many of us, they were in the wait to get him home when the earthquake happened. Like many of us, they moved into action to try to get their son home.Ronel was supposed to come home the night Kembert did. He was one of the kids who did not get approval, and got left behind. My heart was so heavy for Debra that night, as she rejoiced for those of us getting our kids home. But even worse was reading this visiting missionary's account of what that night was like for Ronel:
Tara told me today that the boys were flying to the US. One was going to his adoptive family in Houston Texas, the other to a family in Dallas. When I got back from my days work, the boys were all dressed in their very best to meet their new families. They were so excited. I was so excited for them. It was hard to watch them go. Later in the evening after dinner, the truck returned from the airport where 27 children were flying to meet their new parents. In the front seat of the truck was Ronel, the 6-7 year old that was staying in my room. I asked why he was still here and Tara told me it was because they needed one more paper for him. The other children got to go. She said she hoped they could get the needed paperwork tomorrow. I would never wish for you to see the disappointment on Ronel's face because it would crush your heart... it did mine. It was dark and the power was off. He went into our room, laid down on the bed, pulled the sheets up and sobbed. It was so sad. Tara came in and talked to him in Kreole... I'm not sure what she said but I know she was trying to comfort him. After a time she got up and left as I sat across the room. I could not leave him by himself. I went over and motioned for him to move over and I laid down next to him. The tears were pouring out of him. He was still in his new clothes as he fell asleep. The embassy wanted one more paper to send Ronel home. He was supposed to go home the next day. That was a week ago.Three days ago, Debra's husband flew down to try to get him out. From Debra:
I did not know I would literally have to fight for him.

He [Ernest] just got word that the US is deciding to comply with a request from the Haitian government. That request is to approve of all children who leave the country after they have been cleared by the United States. France and Canada have not complied and are getting their waiting children home. Our US Ambassador has not cleared children and will not see the parents waiting/pleading. They were just told that the Ambassador has left for the day.
There are sick children and pregnant women sleeping on the floor in hopes to bring children home all the while nothing is being signed out. All documents are ready to go except for that approval....
E has said that every time they call him to the window Ronel runs up to his side and says a phrase in kreyol with an expectant look on his face CAN WE GO? As in can we go home. As in can we go to THIS home. His home.
I will not lie and say that I am not fighting fear. I am. I am fearful of Ronel being hurt again. Being left again. It would break Ernest. I cannot imagine what it would do to Ronel. Would he understand that we would still fight for him? To think of it makes my stomach sick.
That was written yesterday. They spent all day at the embassy again today. They still don't know if or when the ambassador will sign them out.
Ronel's story is just one story of hundreds. Hundreds of orphaned children with waiting families, and nothing separating them but political manoeuvrings and power plays that put children at risk. I hope that you will read this and consider educating yourself on UNICEF's history in thwarting international adoption, and register your voice of dissent.
Raymond JosephHaitian Ambassador to USembassy@haiti.orgp 202-332-4090f 202-745-7215Kenneth H MertenUS Ambassador to HaitiTabarre 41, Blvd 15 OctobrePort-au-Prince, HaitiHaiti-earthquake@state.govP 509 22 29 8000F 509 22 29 8028Hilary Clinton/Dept of StateU.S. Department of State 2201 C Street NW Washington, DC 20520 Main Switchboard: 202-647-4000

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

scatter brain....

My life is so scattered. I really need to real it in, but not too far or I'll be bored. There is a fine line there.
On top of the routine (or NOT-SO-ROUTINE) job of raising 6 kids and taking care of the domicile in which they and I live, I have a part-time job with another 16-ish teenagers there. I am contracted to work 16 hours per week with/for these precious teenagers, whom I adore. There are very few weeks that I keep it to 16 hours or less. There is alot of planning that goes into making these kids put their moral compasses to work. It is very rewarding, overall.
On top of that, I do a bit of volunteer work for all the Episcopalian teens of NH. There are several retreats, overnights, lock-ins that go along with these jobs... and lots of paperwork, insurance things to keep in mind, Safer Church items, etc.
Did I mention that I am also trying to raise 6 well-adjusted kids? Well, as I type this, my youngest screamed because she wasn't able to eat the gum out of the trash. My 13-year old has a tutor coming over any minute, my 15-year old hasn't called and he is 3 hours late getting home (I should probably look into that sooner rather than later), my 8-year old is at Girl Scouts learning to read her moral compass, and my 16-year old and I just dropped spaghetti and meatball dinner off at the local soup kitchen for dinner to feed the 80 or so that visit there every night (the dinner was prepared by the youth group). NOW, I need to consider dinner for the people who I have here.... and plan the final parts of the Youth Retreat this weekend, and figure out how to fit 7 people in a sedan, legally.
In addition, I was up for about 2 1/2 hours last night (2am-4:30am) and my brain just wouldn't stop thinking about things! I hate that.
Now on that note, I read about a major aftershock in Haiti. *sigh* This time, 35 miles north of Port-Au-Prince. Which means, whatever buildings didn't crumble last week, probably did yesterday. The poor children down there.... the orphanges.... the new orphans....I can't even seem to wrap my brain around it all. And of course, the feeling that we can't do anything to help, and even if we could, the bottle necks of help down there are too tight and we couldn't get in.
OK.... my life is ok. I have food, water and a roof. Keep it simple, stupid... right?


Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Ok...... Back in track with my Weight Watchers program. Seriously, I could NOT keep up the momentum without my WW Thursday girls, Kim, Deb, Dawn, Raven, Linda K, Joan and Alan and ESPECIALLY PAM! Pam is the leader and she rocks the house! Love her to pieces.
I am doing well. I bought a new cookbook by Hungry Girl and it's mostly awesome. I DIDN'T enjoy adding pumpkin to my oatmeal so now I just don't do that. I am not sure pumpkin and oatmeal should go together. I love both individually but together? eh-eh.
I rocked some deals at Shaw's this week. FOUR free toothbrushes (GUM brand) and lots of other fabulous deals on things I use alot so I scored alot for the stockpile. I need to go back again because I received a few more coupons that I will "play" this week for my favorite yogurt, free tissues and free pasta. The pasta is great because this Sunday the youth group will be making spaghetti/meatball dinner for the Friendly Kitchen (the local soup kitchen in Concord) and dinner is made for about 75 people every night. That just helps with the bottom line cost wise for me! :)
I am very proud of my friend, Corey this week! She ran the Walt Disney Marathon on Sunday and finished! I was tired just thinking about running to the bathroom, much less for 26 miles! YAY, Corey!
My sister inlaw is ENGAGED! That is good news and it's about freakin' time!! :)

Time to sort coupons and get a snack ready for the savages. They'll be home soon....

Friday, January 8, 2010

I lied...

OK.... I forgot to blog the following day but cut me some slack! New Routines are hard!!!
So, here I am. Back to the Weight Watchers grind. I used my Borders gift card that I got for Christmas and bought myself a couple of books; One of them is called Hungry Girl. Now, there is a Hungry Girl website that I have not visited yet because I have had my nose buried in this cookbook. It's awesome. Low points, Low calorie, low fat, lots of flavor and EASY TO PREPARE!! Also, the things that I have made so far, the family actually ENJOYS!!! That is a win win!
So, Thursday is weigh-in day for me at WW. I LOVE my meetings. I LOVE my leader, Pam. I LOVE my friends there. However, yesterday's weigh-in was +4.4lbs! I don't LOVE that. THAT IS THE WRONG DIRECTION! I can't blame anyone (except maybe my mom!). All the crap food that has been brought over in the past month has been SO tempting and just sits there and I can't waste it. But, now I am sick of the crap food. I tossed out full, unopened boxes of candy and cookies a couple of days ago. I kept one large unopened box of Granite State Candies that I will bring with me to a party tonight. And, I think they are soft-centered candies which are not my favs so I am not tempted. (Unless there is a caramel filled one in there.... then I will umm.... no no no.... I won't. not worth it. I'd rather have a glass of wine.) I will be losing weight before I head to Orlando in March.
Now, I am also a coupon queen. Yesterday I messed up a couple of deals but was too overwhelmed with my life to fix them so I'll just let it roll. However, I did score 4 boxes of free tissues and 20 more boxes of tissues at .49/each. Why so many?? Well, we are a family of 8 and it's winter.... I have a college daughter who needs to bring a stockpile of stuff back with her next week... and the school district in Concord apparently doesn't budget in facial tissue so I sent several boxes that way. I also sent a few boxes to my neighbor who was home with a sniffly 3 year old and challenged me. She was kidding but hell, I was running out of storage for all the tissues. :)
Today is the day that I will fix the Little's (my 4 and 8 year old girls) closet and organize their room a bit better.
So, I swear I am will be a better blogger. Not sure why. I guess it helps to get this stuff out of my head.
Now, I have a 4 year old crawling all over me so I guess my time here is done. :)


Monday, January 4, 2010


Ok..... not really a "new" blog. It's the same old blog: I am just going to TRY to be more purposeful in my blogging. I am not sure WHY, I just am. :)

So, another holiday season has come and gone. It was not as crazy and insane as past seasons, I must admit. EVEN with the addition of another child. I had my wrapping done more than one week BEFORE Christmas! I had made a few make-ahead meals and froze them so that I could enjoy the holidays and in the event that I had a potluck to head off too, I just pulled something from the freezer and popped it in the over (thanks for the tip, Robin!). I think I will do this more often. That is, when I am making something for dinner (soup, casseroles, sauces, etc) I will make double or triple the amount and freeze it for future use.

Also, I am getting back on the Weight Watchers train that I have seemingly fallen off of! I LOVE Weight Watchers. I LOVE my meetings. The best leader, the best group of people but seriously, I have gained weight this year instead of losing. MOST of it in the past 4 weeks but still....

I am in the midst of making plans to head to Orlando in March for a Supermom Weekend. The one other mom that I know in real life, I haven't seen in 20 years but I don't care. I am going and I am going to sit by the pool and do nothing for 3 days. :) Nirvana. Oh... I think I am the official Margarita holder for my friend, Corey, but other than that, I am doing nothing. :)
I am also in the middle of planning several mission trips/retreats for the youth group. I am the Minister to High School Youth at St. Paul's Church and also the co-chair for the NH Episcopal Diocese Youth and Young Adults so alot of planning needs to happen now that it is January!

Today is Monday. The kids are all back in school. It is quiet. I should be cleaning. I will. Eventually. That's what Mondays are for; cleaning and laundry. Not that I don't do those things every freakin' day.... Mondays are just the days that all the kids go away and I can clean without a mess being made right behind me so it stays clean for 5 minutes. So, I am off to do that.

Appointment later to see if the 8 year old broke her finger or not. I PROMISE TO BLOG TOMORROW!
