Tuesday, April 27, 2010

and so, I blog....

When I thought blogging would be a helpful release for me (about a year ago) I started to post. My first post was read by my dear husband and he said "you canNOT post that kind of stuff on the internet!". That "stuff" was all the clamouring that was going on inside my brain... sensitive, therapy-inducing clamouring. He was probably right. In hindsight, I really wish I had kept a journal of some sort.
With five kids, there is alot of clamouring going on, however, this is April vacation. All but one of the kids are home. Kaleigh is still at college for another week. I usually DREAD school vacations but not so much this one. The kids have been (dare I say it) GOOD!
Kara had her tonsils and adenoids out last week so she is trying to heal. If you have ever had to deal with that, you know the pain roller coaster she is on. Poor little thing....
Sara tried to have a sleepover at her friend's house last night and made it to about 7:30pm. This friend lives three houses away and we all knew it wouldn't be a SLEEPover but she wanted to try so badly! But alas, she missed her momma....
Philip turns 17 tomorrow, and today he is having a few friends over to "hang out". DO NOT CONFUSE THIS WITH A BIRTHDAY PARTY! He is quite adamant about this. He also has a job interview this week! YAY!
Ben was grounded to start vacation but now he is ungrounded. I also think he grew 4" yesterday. This boy is going to be taller than the rest of the kids, no doubt.

Kara, Sara, Pepe and I started the garden this week! 50'x50' garden plot! We are stoked! Bring on the fresh veggies!

OK.... now to get my brain wrapped around Weight Watchers.. again.


p.s. OK.... so I do not blog often enough but I DOOOOOO post on facebook frequently! Check out my Turkey Cupcakes! they are AWESOME!

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