Monday, October 19, 2009

Just another Manic Monday.... whoaaaaa.....

I REALLY need to blog more often. I'll try to make that a new discipline or myself but no promises since I am up to my eyeballs in MY disciplines, and everyone else's.
Monday's are typically the day that I spend just cleaning the house and grocery shopping. The kids and friends usually take over the place during the weekend and I cannot ctch up so Monday, as soon as they are all gone, I go into overdrive. As you can see, it is already after 9a and I am STILL not moving much. Drank my coffee, bonded with my littlest, read the paper (of course, all this AFTER the other four left or school..... Had to make lunches and get them out the door!).... I promised myself I would start my cleaning as soon as I posted here. I hope I can keep the promise....
My littlest just brought me a baby doll that she said she "gave mohawk to all by hersel". The mowhawk consists of a pantyliner stuck to the baby's head from front to back. This is actually the motivation for me blogging since there is no one else at home to share with. :)
Life is going along just swimmingly. Last week I walked 6 miles to raise money for CWS/CROP to help eradicate poverty and hunger. Our team raised about $2,000. I even SPRINTED a few times! Go me! (of course I hurt after but I got a cookie!)
Benny got braces this past week. I still can't leave the teens alone at home. I probably won't EVER be able to do that. They just cannot make good decisions on their own!! Maybe someday I will reverse that statement, but for now, if they are grounded, I am grounded.
One more week of cheerleading for Kara. She hates cheerleading with every ounce of her being. It sucks because she is really good at that (and gymnastics and sports and and and.... she's built or athletics!). She said she is never trying anything new again. She is doing Brownies, Yoga and Nordic and THAT'S IT, FOREVER!! She is pretty focussed so she probably won't try anything ever again..... hmm.....
It snowed yesterday.... or as Phil and I call it "crapping". You know... that heavy part rain, part snow precipitation. It's crap. I ws at a football game at 7:30 am, 45 minutes away, with Kara cheering, but insisting that I do NOT watch her at all. We brought two of her friends.... they were not allowed to watch either so they watched a movie in the van (the nice, dry, warm van). Rain, wind, 39 degrees.... awesome. We went to leave.... battery is dead. Double awesome. Had to get a jump. Eventually we made it home...... made hot chocolate and rice Krispie treats (thanks, Sal for the free mallows!). Boys watched football and yelled all afternoon... I made dinner for 35 for Youth Group... had Taize Service..... short SPY board meeting and home by 8:30p. Long day.... so.... I guess I should really think about picking up after the mongrels. I think I'll just throw everything away. They probably won't even notice.....
Sausage Ratatouille for dinner tonight!


p.s. tomorrow.... the wasp exterminator.... we have a wasp nest in the kitchen wall... more on that saga tomorrow..... joy!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy I am not alone that is one one the many reasons I love you so much, you UNDERSTAND ;)
