Monday, February 15, 2010

You could be the proud winner of a $10 gift card to Shaw's PLUS a reusable tote! Now, stack the gift card with your coupons and voila! Saving money at Shaw's has never been so easy! I haven't looked at my Shaw's list this week yet, as I have been away with all the teens ad now two are home sick so I am going to just Lysol the house and open the windows, even if it's only 30* outside.... I just can't stand the sick anymore! But thank GOD I scored so many free tissues, wips and throat drops in the past few weeks! And CHEAP NyQuil! I have digressed....
Back to the money saving maineac.... In addition to the giveaway, there is tons of great money saving tips so check it out! FREQUENTLY!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the link up Kellie! I hope everyone feels better soon! (For your sanity too!:)
