Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I do have alot to blog about every single day.... do I have time to blog? do I make time to blog? No to both. I should. I am not sure why I should. Maybe just so that I can look back and say "oh yeah! that's right!" My girl, Corey, has 6 kids and blogs every day. She also manages to hit the gym on a regular basis as well! She is inspiring me to THINK ABOUT using my YMCA membership..... :) Maybe someday I will jog! I know... getting way ahead of myself.
We are getting off of a 10 day stretch of sick people here. Today, ALL OF THE KIDS actually went to school (sans, Sara who doesn't have preschool today). This is good. However, I myself am not feeling great but I cannot have anymore sick days. Nothing is getting done here lately!
This coming weekend, I will be on a teen retreat in Rumney with 250 other teens (and youth ministers, however we will be majorly outnumbered by teens!). I am sure to have pics and probably video to share next week.
In 23 days I am going to Orlando, FL! This is so far out of my comfort zone I cannot even believe that I am actually going. But, I paid, so now I am going. March 4-8th. It's a Supermom Getaway! The only person that I actually KNOW in real life who is going is my girl, Corey and I haven't seen here in almost 20 years! This will definitely be an adventure. I hope it's warm there by then! Woot!
Today is Tuesday... I work today... in fact I have a meeting in an hour. So I suppose I should actually get dressed for said meeting. Although, I am sure they wouldn't mind me showing up in my PJ's! hmmmmm....
I have been trying alot of new recipes lately. Some are hits, some are misses. I am definitely using up pantry items that would otherwise still be sitting there. I did some decent shopping yesterday at Shaw's. I had coupons but apparently they NOW DO NOT DOUBLE INTERNET COUPONS!!!! Total bummer. They are really driving me away.... Market Basket is alot cheaper on most everything. That's my main shopping store. (although, split chicken breast is .99/lb this week at Shaw's and all the Burt's Bee's stuff is 50% off and I have coupons!). In case you are new, I LOVE ME SOME COUPONS AND GREAT DEALS! Don't talk tell me about a deal unless you are talking over 50% off! Then, I'll consider it. :) Except for SoyJoy bars. Sorry... but you could not PAY me to get those things, however, my girl, Kelly will eat them so this week I can score 6 free ones and I will try to do that for her today. :) I mean seriously... the birds in my yard won't even eat them.....
OK.... enough psychobabble for one day. I need to get read for the rest of the day.


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