Wednesday, February 17, 2010

wACkY WeDnEsDaY!

Welcome to Wacky Wednesday! I cannot believe that it is only 9:00am. Yesterday we had a snowday which means all 6 kids were home... Oh.. and it didn't even START to snow until about 2:30p (which is when school lets out!). No matter. Apparently I should be revelling in the fact that there was a snowday where I could spend all day with my lovelies, baking cookies, reading stories, playing games.... Truth be told, I'd rather have this day IN THE SUMMER where we could go to the beach and not be boxed in the house but now we add another day to the school year and take away from our very short summer. Awesome.
Yesterday was also MArdi Gras! We had a pancake supper at church last night and wondered how many would show up(it actually was snowing by then). I would say we had 70-80 people! I was in charge of pancakes so I fired up the griddle and made A LOT of pancakes. according to the packages I used, and I used them all, I probably made 250. As far money wise, to make this many pancakes, with butter and syrup to top, it was only $20, which is a good deal in my book. I didn't even use any coupons on supplies! (I know.. the horror)
I then found out that after the pancake supper, My friend, Jeff, cut the tip of his finger off using his snowblower! And his stepson found the extra "part" and rushed it to the ER! ew. I am thinking that if he is in surgery tomorrow, Judy and I can have coffee in the morning as I will also be at the hospital with my 13 year old having the screw in his ankle removed. He had surgery 1.5 years ago. How did it break? That is another post for another day. Maybe for tomorrow! Typical brotherly "love".
Today... parent/teacher conference... Ash Wednesday Service.... laundry..... grocery store... cleaning.....
Tomorrow.... surgery in the morning for Ben.


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